Invest your profits wisely to improve the economy, and you can grow food, improve your income, and recruit additional employees, if you can afford it. If managed well, you'll earn enough to invest in new equipment needed to run the big business of agricultural scale.
Features repaka:
- Do not cut
- Video and audio are not converted to a smaller bitrate
- Four different and highly detailed 3D world of flora and fauna
Growth - depending on the soil and care for animals
- Five levels of difficulty
- Non-linear gameplay
System requirements:
- Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Processor: Pentium ® 1.8 GHz
- Memory: 256 MB (512 MB Vista / 7)
- Video card: 128 MB
Released: 2,010
Genre: Simulator
Developer: Astragon
Publisher: Wendros AB
Platform: PC
Language: English
Medicine: Not required
Size: 160 MB